Charlotte Ramprakash kaur


I was born in France in 1974, where I lived until the age of 20, when I left for Spain to complete my studies in humanities. It was there, in the South, walking barefoot on the hot cobblestones of the old quarter of Cordoba, that my soul revealed itself to me, leading me to seek and discover the world from another angle. More sensory and experimental, very close to the earth... 


I was taught body and art therapies, meditation, movement and creativity, I trained in humanistic psychology (Gestalt, recognised by the AETG) and coaching.


I wrote my dissertation in 2012 on "Gestalt, body and art, a creative and interdisciplinary approach".


For 25 years I have been accompanying and helping people in their empowerment and life processes, individually or in groups.


Yoga came into my life naturally when I was ready, bringing a spiritual dimension to my understanding and transforming me into a more receptive, confident and kind women.


Nowadays, I live on the island of Menorca with my husband and our sons are already living their own lives.


Trained and certificated, I teach Hatha Flow, Vinyasa & Yin Yoga, and I am a Kundalini Yoga instructor level 1 and 2, a Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer level 1, internationally recognised by KRI and Yoga Alliance,  and I am a member of AEKY. Also preparing the AFDA031 yoga instruction professionalism certificate.


I welcome people who come to me, promoting awareness, balance and sustainability, pillars of health and wellness, in everyday life.


Essence, presence and transformation are the common thread in my teachings.